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6 Ways for Teachers to Boost their Digital Literacy

The possibilities of digital literacy in the classroom are well documented. So are the benefits it brings students. Perhaps less common as a topic: the benefits of digital literacy for teachers.By this, we don’t just mean techniques to use with students. We mean ways teachers themselves can become better at their profession, and find running […]

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Collaborative Learning versus Peer-to-Peer Learning

It’s misleading to see teachers as the only people students learn from during their educational journey. Students learn from each other too.Of course, this will always happen informally and spontaneously. But through techniques such as collaborative learning and peer-to-peer learning, it can also be a structured, full part of the classroom. These two methods enable […]

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The role of video in teaching and learning

Amazingly, video has been part of education since the 1960s. Over the years, its popularity has risen and fallen, as new waves of technology have repeatedly reignited its potential. Yet throughout there’s been a continuous trend towards lower production costs, easier technical requirements and increasing access. These factors have generally made video more and more […]

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Adaptive learning – how real is it?

Adaptive learning is a hot topic. If you’re familiar with it, skip the next few lines. If you’re not, then read on…Hopefully you got the joke. Because that technique is the heart of adaptive learning: your experience changes depending on your ability. Learning becomes more challenging if you’re progressing well, and slows down if you […]

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Using Microsoft OneDrive at School and Home

As education becomes ever more digital, being able to virtually store, organize and share stuff is critical for everyone involved in it: educators with their teaching material, students with their work, and administrators with their files. Microsoft OneDrive is one solution that’s increasingly popular. We’ve taken a look at how it can help in the […]

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Gamification in Education: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Gamification has become hugely popular in all walks of life, including education.With problem-solving at its heart – alongside skills such as persistence, trial and error, creativity, imagination and resilience – there seems to be good reason why gamification is a natural partner to the learning process. Indeed, it can be argued that all games contain an […]

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Why is digital citizenship so important?

Schools have always played an important role in encouraging children to become good future citizens. But to timeless concepts such as respect and kindness, fresh behaviors are now being added. These relate to the digital world we now live in, and the principle of using its technologies in ways that are responsible, appropriate and intelligent.This […]

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How can data help in the classroom?

Today, those working in our sector have access to more data than ever before.This richness, when combined with well-trained professional judgment, can help teachers and institutions to enhance the education experience in numerous ways. Quite simply, learning empowered by data is better learning, for everyone. Here is a brief overview of the role of data, […]

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How to use apps in the classroom

Apps are a key part of the e-learning model. They introduce abilities such as problem-solving and complex task management to the equation (compared to, say, the Internet component of e-learning, which is more about accessing and consuming content). These skills are vital 21st century skills. They’re what the students of today need in order to […]

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How to design a blended learning environment

Creating a blended environment is all about getting the balance right.It means mixing the best of online study techniques with the benefits of having physical time and space for face-to-face teaching – without either dominating the learning process at the expense of the other. Online and offline, formal and informal – everything needs to come together […]

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