ITWORX Provides SEC with CLG and Office 365


The Customer

Part of its national 2030 vision, Qatar has a strategic plan to replace rote learning with
modern learning techniques to teach young people to engage in critical thinking and to
understand the value of collaboration and teamwork. They want to deploy educational
programs that respond to the current and future needs of the labor market. Through this
innovative approach, the main objective is to unlock the potential of Qatar today and in
the future, as well as the wider region and world at large.

The Challenge

SEC launched an e-learning program to transform the educational process and to
provide e-services, by integrating digital technology to improve the quality of teaching
and learning at public schools. The initiative also aims at increasing the positive trend
and to raise the community awareness about “ICT” and its impact on both the teaching
and learning process.

The Solution

ITWORX, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and education expert in Microsoft education
solutions, was selected by the Supreme Education Council to deploy Connected Learning
Gateway (CLG) in the schools. Born out of the Middle East region, ITWORX had a good
understanding towards how to enable Qatar to reach its goal without overlooking the
cultural aspects and the deeply ingrained traditions. CLG was customized with rich
features, user friendly platform and a strong technical infrastructure to serve thousands of
users in Qatar’s public schools whilst addressing the country’s unique needs.

CLG allows Qatar to achieve its vision through its dynamic learning platform that
empowers teachers, school administrators, and management to deliver richer, more
interactive learning experiences to learners in class, at school, and at home. CLG provides
a student-centric e-learning environment where learners can achieve results. The platform
provides a dynamic educational space enriched with collaboration, personalization,
interactivity, real-time feedback and assessment and mobile learning.

CLG uses advances in technology to empower students with 21st Century skills to succeed
in the workplace. Through CLG, teachers can prepare lesson structure, schedule and
publish lesson plans that meet curriculum standards, and create rich e-learning content in
a short time by adding photos, audio and videos. CLG enables teachers to build exams
online that can be graded automatically and track each student’s progress to deliver
multi-faceted individual learning plans.

Students can view lesson structure, access lesson materials, and interact electronically with
colleagues and privately with teachers online. They can also complete their assignments
and exams and receive their results online. This saves valuable time and effort and
provides the students with prompt feedback to enhance their learning. CLG empowers
parents with needed tools to view their child’s grades, behavior, and attendance by
accessing the online parent portal, receive notifications, and communicate privately with
teachers through the parents’ portal. Parents can also receive mobile notifications from
the school, whether from teachers or school administrators.

The deployment of CLG included workshops and training to the schools’ staff members.
The number of trained teachers, IT, publishers and project coordinators was 1,900.
ITWORX trained 178 schools with around 168 workshops. Also, with the migration of
“Microsoft Office 365” in SEC, ITWORX registered an Office 365 domain for SEC with
71,664 licenses to reach 125,000 licenses few months ago. Microsoft Office 365 helps in
boosting productivity by making the user’s experience as simple as possible, in addition
to taking on all the responsibility for security and giving the administrators full control of
their systems.


Enable Qatar’s vision
Through implementing CLG in SEC schools, ITWORX was able to bring 21st Century skills
to thousands of users which will empower Qatar in reaching its desired goal by 2030.
ITWORX CLG promotes creativity, collaboration and team work through rich features to
unleash students’ full potential.

Empower young learners
By promoting 21st Century skills, ITWORX CLG encourages students to become
independent, pro-active and self-actualized learners. They can depend on visual and
audible tools and online access to Microsoft Office files to easily study their lessons and
take assignments anytime and anywhere. They also enjoy full and rich interaction within
their education community via online discussions, forums, blogs, and messaging with full
access to the e-learning environment at any point in time.

Redefine the learning experience
CLG allows teachers to build and exchange exciting lesson content with real world
relevance, in addition to becoming collaborators and partners to students, rather than
instructors which make them deliver a more exciting and real world learning experience.
On the other hand, parents can be more involved throughout the learning process and
are able to communicate easily with teachers and school administrators.